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Filtering by: “Developing Direction”
Walking in Their Shoes: Accompanying the Journey of Those Who Struggle with Addiction and Recovery

Walking in Their Shoes: Accompanying the Journey of Those Who Struggle with Addiction and Recovery

This workshop focuses on the intersection of addiction recovery and Spiritual Direction, offering insights and practical guidance for accompanying individuals on this challenging journey. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of various addictions and the recovery process, with a particular emphasis on how spiritual themes relate to addiction recovery.

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Letting Go: Embracing Release in Spiritual Direction

Letting Go: Embracing Release in Spiritual Direction

This workshop explores how Spiritual Directors connect with the process of letting go, whether in preparing for a session, during, or afterwards. Letting go is considered a vital component of self-care and care for those they accompany. Through this practical and interactive session, participants will gain a deeper awareness of the 'letting go' process and acquire practical insights and practices, both ancient and modern, for their journey as spiritual directors.

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How do you solve a problem like the clergy? : Spiritual Direction for those who are ordained, training for ordination, and working in Christian Ministry.

How do you solve a problem like the clergy? : Spiritual Direction for those who are ordained, training for ordination, and working in Christian Ministry.

In this workshop, we'll explore the unique challenges faced by those in Christian ministry, including managing public expectations and personal vulnerabilities. We’ll explore potential barriers to spiritual wellbeing, together with some of the particular issues that can emerge, and aim to help Spiritual Directors feel more equipped and empowered to walk alongside their directees.

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Direction and the Contemplative Tradition: Exploring Ancient Wisdom for Modern Practice

Direction and the Contemplative Tradition: Exploring Ancient Wisdom for Modern Practice

This workshop delves into the contemplative tradition, with a particular focus on ‘The Cloud of Unknowing’, to form guidance for a young contemplative to get a sense of the landscape we are considering, and how that might offer suggestions for direction today. The session will also explore together some of the challenges that contemplative prayer may present and how Direction can support.

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Mental Health and Wellbeing: Talking About God in the Midst of Suffering

Mental Health and Wellbeing: Talking About God in the Midst of Suffering

As spiritual directors, we are uniquely positioned to listen to the layered descriptions of a life of faith and mental health challenges. In this workshop, we'll explore the benefits of talking about God and mental health and create a safe, non-judgmental space to consider how we can maintain our own mental wellbeing while accompanying others

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Working with Singleness in Spiritual Direction: Embracing a Unique Spiritual Journey

Working with Singleness in Spiritual Direction: Embracing a Unique Spiritual Journey

This workshop explores the unique blessings and challenges of singleness within the context of Spiritual Direction. Marriage or being partnered is often seen in our culture, and indeed in the Church, as being the ideal way of life. This can leave single people feeling that they are missing out or are in some way inadequate. Yet the biblical narrative affirms the single life and Christ promised life in abundance to all, whether we are married or single. It feels important to reflect on how we can hold the space for directees and their questions and challenges (and joys!) arising from their life as a single person.

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Spiritual Voices, Spiritual Struggles and Spiritual Direction: Navigating Mental Health in Spiritual Accompaniment

Spiritual Voices, Spiritual Struggles and Spiritual Direction: Navigating Mental Health in Spiritual Accompaniment

This workshop explores the intersection of mental health and Christian spirituality within the context of Spiritual Direction. Focusing on two main themes - hearing voices, demonic, and divine (whether or not associated with a mental health diagnosis); and spiritual struggles, especially as related to mental health. The session aims to equip Spiritual Directors with a better understanding of these complex issues.

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Working with an Autistic Directee: Understanding and Adapting Practice

Working with an Autistic Directee: Understanding and Adapting Practice

As awareness of autism increases, more autistic individuals are seeking Spiritual Direction. This workshop aims to equip Spiritual Directors with the knowledge and skills to effectively accompany autistic directees on their spiritual journeys. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of autism, focusing on individuals of average or above-average intelligence who are verbal.

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Praying with the Elements: Exploring the use of Breath prayers in Spiritual Direction

Praying with the Elements: Exploring the use of Breath prayers in Spiritual Direction

This workshop invites participants to explore different ways of using breath in prayer, connecting with the elements and creation through meditation, imagination, and chants. Attendees will gain hands-on experience in praying with the Elements using breath and imagination, broadening their understanding of prayer and learning how to incorporate these practices in Direction sessions. This holistic approach draws from various spiritual traditions and offers fresh perspectives on connecting with the divine through our bodies and the natural world.

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Encountering People with Jesus: Exploring Spiritual Direction through Gospel Encounters

Encountering People with Jesus: Exploring Spiritual Direction through Gospel Encounters

This workshop invites Spiritual Directors to explore the practice of Spiritual Direction through the lens of Jesus' encounters with individuals in the Gospels. Participants will examine these biblical interactions as models for their own work, drawing insights and inspiration from Jesus' approach to spiritual accompaniment.

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Seeing with the Eyes of the Heart: Contemplative Photography in Spiritual Direction

Seeing with the Eyes of the Heart: Contemplative Photography in Spiritual Direction

This interactive workshop introduces contemplative photography as a powerful spiritual practice and tool for Spiritual Direction. Participants will explore the theory behind this practice and have ample opportunity to experience it firsthand. The session aims to equip Spiritual Directors with a new approach to help directees slow down, see differently, and deepen their spiritual awareness through the lens of a camera.

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Drawing Fruit from Our Ministry: Preparing for supervision as a spiritual practice

Drawing Fruit from Our Ministry: Preparing for supervision as a spiritual practice

In this workshop, we'll explore the unique challenges faced by those in Christian ministry, including managing public expectations and personal vulnerabilities. We’ll explore potential barriers to spiritual wellbeing, together with some of the particular issues that can emerge, and aim to help Spiritual Directors feel more equipped and empowered to walk alongside their directees.

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Shadows Hidden in Light: Exploring Spiritual Abuse

Shadows Hidden in Light: Exploring Spiritual Abuse

This workshop delves into the complex and sensitive topic of spiritual abuse. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of what constitutes spiritual abuse, its psychological underpinnings, and its impact on individuals' spiritual journeys. The session will equip Spiritual Directors with the knowledge and skills to create safe spaces for those who have experienced spiritual abuse, and to navigate the delicate process of accompaniment for directees grappling with church hurt or spiritual abuse in their lives.

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Drawing Fruit from Our Ministry: Preparing for supervision as a spiritual practice

Drawing Fruit from Our Ministry: Preparing for supervision as a spiritual practice

In this workshop, we'll explore the unique challenges faced by those in Christian ministry, including managing public expectations and personal vulnerabilities. We’ll explore potential barriers to spiritual wellbeing, together with some of the particular issues that can emerge, and aim to help Spiritual Directors feel more equipped and empowered to walk alongside their directees.

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How do you solve a problem like the clergy? : Spiritual Direction for those who are ordained, training for ordination, and working in Christian Ministry.

How do you solve a problem like the clergy? : Spiritual Direction for those who are ordained, training for ordination, and working in Christian Ministry.

In this workshop, we'll explore the unique challenges faced by those in Christian ministry, including managing public expectations and personal vulnerabilities. We’ll explore potential barriers to spiritual wellbeing, together with some of the particular issues that can emerge, and aim to help Spiritual Directors feel more equipped and empowered to walk alongside their directees.

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Embracing Playfulness: Play in Spiritual Direction

Embracing Playfulness: Play in Spiritual Direction

When you hear the word ‘God’ what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For us, it’s ‘play’ or, to use a descriptor employed by ancient theologians: ‘dance’.

Play is sacred. When we are at play we are curious, open and fully present - ripe for encounter with the Divine Presence. Embracing our playfulness and embracing our spirituality compose entwined invitations on life’s path.

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The Enneagram of Harmony: Exploring Our Stories of Origin and Destiny

The Enneagram of Harmony: Exploring Our Stories of Origin and Destiny

Having explored the three centres of intelligence in the traditional ‘process’ way in our last Enneagram workshop, we return to look at them again, this time using the Harmony Triads. As we bring the full wisdom of all three intelligence centres to each Enneatype, we will discover fresh clarity and depth in our stories of origin and destiny and in those of our directees.

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Mental Health and Wellbeing: Talking About God in the Midst of Suffering

Mental Health and Wellbeing: Talking About God in the Midst of Suffering

As spiritual directors, we are uniquely positioned to listen to the layered descriptions of a life of faith and mental health challenges. In this workshop, we'll explore the benefits of talking about God and mental health and create a safe, non-judgmental space to consider how we can maintain our own mental wellbeing while accompanying others

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Carmelite Spirituality and Spiritual Direction: Nurturing the Intimacy with God

Carmelite Spirituality and Spiritual Direction: Nurturing the Intimacy with God

Drawing inspiration from the riches of Carmelite Spirituality, this contemplative workshop explores spiritual direction from a Carmelite perspective. Through the wisdom of mystics such as Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, and Therese of Lisieux, we'll delve into the beauty and potential of the human person and our intimate connection with God.

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Breath of Life: Exploring Breath as a Path to Wholeness

Breath of Life: Exploring Breath as a Path to Wholeness

Breath is our very source of life. Scripture says that we live and move and breathe and have our whole beings in Christ. During this workshop we will explore the importance of breath in our practice as spiritual directors and explore ways of breathing that invite us into closer connection with the presence and movement of God for a more embodied rhythm in our lives and in our ministries

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Exercises that Reconnect: Ignatius & the Environment

Exercises that Reconnect: Ignatius & the Environment

How can we face the uncertainty of our times, accept the likely consequences, and also be part of the healing of the Earth that is our home and mother? By bringing Ignatius into conversation with Joanna Macy’s Work that Reconnects, Annette will offer some thoughts about this, as well as exercises to help us engage with what we see happening around us.

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