Are you or someone you know interested in training as a Spiritual Director?
Our Approach
The Encounter course is a transformative three-year formation programme in spiritual accompaniment, rooted in Christian tradition and informed by contemporary psychological insights. Led by a team of experienced Spiritual Directors, the course offers a balanced approach combining teaching seminars, small group work, and supervised practice. It is designed to equip participants with the skills and insights needed to guide others on their spiritual journeys, with a focus on deep, experiential learning, personal reflection, peer support and practical experience.
Central to the Encounter course is the development of listening skills and discernment, because at the heart of spiritual accompaniment is learning to sense how God speaks to us in our everyday lives. Each of the three years explores a particular dimension of listening: in Year One, by encountering the Christian tradition, in Year Two, encountering the Self, and in Year Three, encountering the Other. This approach will enable you to develop a robust and relevant spirituality which is rooted in the rich soil of the Christian tradition, finding the wisdom and the practices that nourish our prayer and our living. We also encourage radical self awareness, because authentic spirituality requires that we allow our faith to be grounded in the reality of who we are and how the spirit moves through our ordinary and broken lives. Finally, at a time when divisions are constantly pulling us apart, we invite you to embrace the gift and the challenge of the Other. Learning to listen on all three levels will enable you to offer the kind of radical hospitality which makes honest and faith filled conversations possible.
Whether you're drawn to Spiritual Direction as a vocation or simply seeking to deepen your understanding of God's Spirit in everyday life, Encounter offers a comprehensive, ecumenical environment for growth. The programme blends online learning with in-person sessions, creating a flexible and accessible way to engage with the material while fostering a sense of community among participants.
Applications Now Open
Applications Now Open 〰️
Overview of the course
Year 1: Encountering the Tradition
The first year sets the foundation for all that follows, it is a year of ongoing and genuine discernment of vocation to the ministry of spiritual direction, setting personal exploration within the context of the tradition.
Topics include:
Old and New Testament themes
roots and history of Spiritual Direction
contemplative presence
process and content
consolation and desolation
The small group work is experiential, and students are encouraged to keep a reflective journal throughout the year. There will also be recommended readings and regular assignments to support learning.
The year: Christian Spirituality, Key Theological Themes, Foundations in Listening and Discernment.
Small group focus: Foundational listening skills practice
Retreat Day: My faith journey
Interview and acceptance onto the programme.
Year 2: Encountering the Self
The second year deepens self-awareness, integrating psychological insights into spiritual direction.
Topics include:
the psycho-spiritual journey
stages of faith
embracing the shadow
wisdom of the body
transference and counter transference
These themes are explored through Christian scripture and theology.
This year places a strong emphasis on deepening effective listening skills and practice. -
The Year: Key Psychological insight, Growth in self-awareness and prayer.
Small group focus: Further dimensions of listening and responding, attending to process.
Retreat Day: Embracing the Shadow
Successful completion of Year One and recommendation to continue from the Year leader; receiving regular spiritual direction.
Year 3: Encountering the Other
In the final year, students explore important social themes and begin to offer Spiritual Direction supported by weekly supervision.
Topics include:
God's mission and Spiritual Direction
Encountering difference
Social justice themes
Accompanying the beginner
Good practice and ministry development
The wisdom of the Christian tradition is used to engage with these and many other contemporary issues, further solidifying their readiness for this ministry.
The Year: the wider social context of Spiritual Direction informed by contemporary theological developments; deepening understanding of radical hospitality.
Small group focus: Supervision
Retreat Day: Tree of Life
Successful completion of Year Two and recommendation to continue from the Year Leader; receiving regular spiritual direction; giving regular spiritual direction to two people who are significantly different from each other in some way e.g. gender, race, background, stage of spiritual development.
This course is ideal for individuals with a sense of vocation to the ministry of Spiritual Direction and some experience in Spiritual Direction or accompaniment.
It’s suitable for those who are committed to ongoing Spiritual Direction throughout the program and are willing to dedicate time to weekly journal reflections, recommended readings, and assignments.
Participants should be open to peer and self-evaluation, actively collecting evidence of progress in a portfolio of learning.
Experience in Spiritual Direction: You will need prior experience in spiritual direction and a commitment to ongoing Spiritual Direction throughout the course.
If you are not yet in Spiritual Direction, we can help connect you with a Spiritual Director through our directory on the website. Read more about finding a Spiritual Director as a student here.
Stable Internet Connection: A reliable internet connection is required to fully participate in the online components of the course.
Device Compatibility: You must have a device capable of running Zoom for online sessions, including video and audio functionality.
Course Materials: All course materials, including handouts, readings, and resources, will be provided digitally via Google Drive. Detailed access instructions will be sent to you ahead of the course. We recommend having a Google account to facilitate easy access and sharing of course materials. If you don’t already have one, setting one up will ensure a smooth experience.
Current fees per year are £1,600 and arrangements can be made to pay in instalments if needed.
Course Fee Structure:
Annual fee: £1600 per year
Initial deposit: £100 (non-refundable, included in total fee)
Remaining £1500 paid in three installments:
1st September: £500
1st January: £500
1st April: £500
Information about possible bursaries from partner organisations is available here.
The Encounter course follows a blended-learning format, combining in-person and online sessions.
In-Person Saturday Intensives: Three full-day Saturday sessions held in London at the beginning, middle, and end of the year. These sessions run from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM, including an evening meal together. Attendance at all Saturday intensives is compulsory.
The In Person Days are held at The Royal Foundation of St Katharine in Limehouse, London.
Online Sessions: All other sessions are held online from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM:
Year One: Tuesdays
Year Two: Wednesdays
Year Three: Thursdays
Handouts: Handouts for each module are provided before and after sessions via Google Drive. Students should feel comfortable downloading and accessing these materials.
Journaling: You will be expected to journal throughout each year as part of the course.
Assignments: As part of the Encounter course, you will maintain a Reflective Journal and complete a Portfolio of Learning (POL) to track your spiritual growth and learning throughout the year. The Portfolio of Learning will include two essays and two summaries of your Reflective Journal.
Mid-Year & End-of-Year Appraisals: These one-on-one meetings (via Zoom) with your tutor will review your learning, insights, and progress. You will discuss your Portfolio of Learning, which includes your Reflective Journal Summary and assignments.
Reading: We focus on a few key books for deep, personal reflection rather than an extensive reading list. There are three books for required reading and there will be articles shared as part of course material. The full book list is here.
Year 1: Tuesdays from 18:00 to 21:00
Year 2: Wednesdays from 18:00 to 21:00
Year 3: Thursdays from 18:00 to 21:00
In-Person Saturdays: Three in-person Saturday sessions throughout the year, from 11:00 to 19:00.
Modules: The course includes 6 modules across the year.
Duration: The course starts at the end of September and finishes in June.
For the 2025/26 dates and module titles, please refer to the provided schedule .
Submit Application Form: Begin by completing the application form.
Application Review: The Director of Encounter will review your application.
Notification of Status: You will receive an email within a few weeks regarding your application's outcome.
Interview Booking: If successful, you will be invited to schedule an interview (available in March and July).
Feedback for Unsuccessful Applications: If not selected, you will receive constructive feedback.
Reference Contact: After a successful interview, your provided references will be contacted.
Deposit and Learning Agreement: Following a successful interview and references, you will be asked for a £100 non-refundable deposit, a signed learning agreement, and a photo.
Confirmation of Enrollment: Upon receiving the required documents, your place on the course will be confirmed.
Course Documents and Preparation: You will receive necessary course documents and preparation details.
Final Application Deadline: Applications must be submitted by mid-July.
Final Placement Notifications: Placement offers will be made by July.
Meet the Tutors
Register your interest.
Application process for Encounter starts in the spring ,with interviews happening from spring through the summer. If you would like to register your interest please fill out the form below.