Find a spiritual director
“Here we are, you and I, and I hope a third, Christ, is in our midst.”
— St. Aelred of Rievaulx
There is no official accreditation for Spiritual Directors, and we do not employ the members of LCSD community. We work on trust and cannot formally recommend or endorse anyone. However, they have signed up to the Code of Practice, which can be read here.
Browse our directory below which you can search by location or categories. If you still need help, book a place at one of our seminars on how to find a director or a 1-1 referral with our Community Warden.
To search for someone by name select “Search” and in text put in their name.
You can search multiple categories at once. i.e Catholic, donation, Retreats.
If you don’t see the category you’d like search for the word the “Text” box as this will search people’s bios.
Click “Map” to see Spiritual Directors by location.
Clicking on a profile will display an icon in the top right-hand corner. This allows you to copy a personal link to your own or other people's profiles for referrals.
You can update your directory entry to keep it up to date with your availability and offerings. Here's how:
Click the "Account" button and select "Log in".
If you haven't set a password, click "Forgot password" and enter your email address. You'll receive a password set link.
Set your password and log in.
Click the "Edit" button.
Scroll down the profile to edit all categories.
In the bottom right hand of the text box there are two diagonal lines, you can click there and pull down to make the box bigger to see your edits more easily.
You will need to click the button on the bottom of the box called " Apply changes" to save the changes.
Click “Edit your profile” and log in to your account.
A box will pop up with your profile.
Scroll down to "Accepting new directees (required)".
Delete what is there by pressing the bin icon.
Click “Select Tags".
Click on the option you wish to select.
Scroll to the bottom and click "Apply changes"
People come to Spiritual Direction for many reasons, but the focus of this ministry concerns the way God is working with an individual. Sometimes people begin for a specific reason or because they are aware of movements that are occurring within them which they need to share with someone who can take a discerning and objective view. Spiritual Direction starts wherever you are in your journey and will seek to help you integrate your spirituality with the rest of your life.
Giving time to yourself and paying attention to the journey.
Being open to God.
Paying attention to the movements in your life.
Being prepared to change as you discover more about how God is seeking you out.
Meeting with your Director on an agreed, regular basis.
We have put together a guide of questions to think about when choosing a spiritual director. Read it here.
LCSD has a community of Spiritual directors. Spiritual Directors are men and women, lay and ordained, who come from a wide variety of backgrounds and Christian churches, who share a calling to support others on their journey into the love of God.
They adhere to the Centre’s ‘Code of Practice’ and most will have undertaken appropriate training. All will, themselves, be in direction and receive regular supervision.
Some directors will make a charge and others will ask for a donation for each session. This is made clear either on the website or during the initial communication.
We recognise that it is possible that our community may be in situations where a Directee discloses abuse to them. We therefore strongly encourage our community to undergo regular safeguarding training and to be aware of how to react and the advice relating to reporting abuse.
We do not employ the Community and as such enter in a trust relationship with them. We are unable legally to perform DBS checks on them. As part of our service to the public, we provide them with guidance as to the questions to ask when searching for a Spiritual Director and the types of things to be aware of. We also provide guidance to the Community to keep themselves safe as a lone worker.
We have implemented a complaints procedure should individuals have concern about the ways in which our Community or our Staff are practising. These are available on our website and will be followed should a concern or complaint be raised.
Need more help…
Book an appointment for 1-1 Referral surgery
Personalised referral session for finding a spiritual director. Book a half hour session with Community Warden for top tips and possible referrals for finding a spiritual director.
Book an appointment a “Seeking a spiritual director” seminar
These informal hour-long sessions, hosted by our Community Warden and Referrals Coordinator provide a friendly space to bring all your questions about spiritual direction.