Starting with a new directee

We’ve put together some resources to help you as you start with a new directee.

A working agreement

This is a suggested template designed to cover essential aspects of a working agreement.

You are welcome to use this as is or you may like to find your own language and style to express these points. You may decide to deliver these points verbally only - signing and dating this yourself to say that you’ve covered these areas in conversation with your newdirectee. An agreement signed by both of you is considered an even better record of what you’ve discussed and agreed but not mandatory..

Initial Assessment for Spiritual Direction

This is a guide to help you discern if you and a potential new directee would be a good fit.

An Examen for a Spiritual Direction Session

This is a guide to help you fostering the internal supervisor after a session.

Spiritual Direction Session Notes

This is a suggested outline to help reflect on a session.

Supervision Preparation

This is a guide to help you discern what to bring to Supervision.

