A conversation on “Consecrated Celibacy”
Maria Manuela SIlva brings us her first book review and conversation with writer Christine Barnabas, about her book “Consecrated Celibacy: A Fresh Look at an Ancient Calling.”
“At a time when classical religious life is experiencing a worldwide paradigm shift and new monastic communities are emerging across the ecumenical spectrum this thoughtful study of consecrated celibacy comes exactly at the right moment. Combining honesty and clear-sightedness, the book addresses a topic that is overdue for serious attention. ”
Christine Barnabas
Christine is a training Social Worker, Spiritual Director, writer and retreat leader. Her spiritual journey has taken her from Evangelical to Charismatic; on the edges of the Catholic Church to Contemplative and the Mystical Stream of Christianity.
In 2012 she made a public commitment to consecrated celibacy, around the same time she found her spiritual home in the Northumbria Community, a New Monastic, dispersed, ecumenical Community. We embrace a Rule of Life marked by 'Availability and Intentional Vulnerability'.
A particular interest of hers is how trauma shapes the experience of ourselves and all our relationships, including the one with divine mystery.