London Centre for Spiritual Direction
LCSD is an international centre based in London. We work to connect people with a Spiritual Director, train Spiritual Directors and provide ongoing development.
At LCSD the focus of our work is to encourage people to discover for themselves the joys and riches of having a wise ‘accompanier’ on their journey of faith. In order to resource this vision we offer highly-regarded training and supervision for new and established Spiritual Directors, together with a range of workshops and courses.
What we offer
Find a Spiritual Director
If you are interested in connecting with a Spiritual Director, we have a directory of hundreds of Spiritual Directors across the world for you to search and contact.
Train as a Spiritual Director
If you feel drawn to training as a Spiritual Director, have trained but need a refresher or want to grow further and train as a Supervisor, we can help equip you.
Develop as a Spiritual Director
If you are a trained Spiritual Director, we offer Supervison, safeguarding and on-going workshops and resourcing to help you to develop and grow.
What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual Direction is a prayerful space, where you are invited to reflect on your daily life, your experiences and the wisdom of your whole being to explore how you might become more open to the movements of God and what your response might be.
Since the earliest days of Christianity people have realised their need to find someone who will walk with them on their journey of faith.
Many sought out the Desert Fathers and Mothers to help them deepen their own unique relationship with God. Since that time the ministry of Spiritual Direction (Accompaniment) has developed.
Who is a Spiritual Director?
There are many metaphors for a Spiritual Director; holy friend, midwife, host and accompanier on the road.
Spiritual Directors are men and women, lay and ordained, who come from a wide variety of backgrounds and Christian churches, who share a calling to support others on their journey into the love of God.
They adhere to the Centre’s ‘Code of Practice’ and most will have undertaken appropriate training. All will, themselves, be in direction and receive regular supervision.
Why might you want a Spiritual Director?
People come to Spiritual Direction for many reasons, but the focus of this ministry concerns the way God is working with an individual.
Sometimes people begin for a specific reason or because they are aware of movements that are occurring within them which they need to share with someone who can take a discerning and objective view.
Spiritual Direction starts wherever you are in your journey and will seek to help you integrate your spirituality with the rest of your life.
“Spiritual Direction is the contemplative practice of helping another person or group to awaken to the mystery called God in all of life, and to respond to that discovery in a growing relationship of freedom and commitment.”
— James Keegan, SJ